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What is preventing you from Achieving ketosis?

Why are you unable to achieve ketosis?

When you begin a ketogenic diet, your ultimate objective is to get your body into a state of ketosis, in which your body burns fat for fuel instead of glucose to maintain energy. 

What is preventing you from Achieving ketosis?
it can be Achieving ketosis?

  • This is the point at which you will begin to experience all of the wonderful advantages of the ketogenic diet, such as weight reduction, increased energy, and greater mental concentration. 
  • However, it might be discouraging if you are unable to achieve ketosis despite your best efforts, even when you believe you are doing everything correctly.

In light of your enthusiasm for the Ketogenic Diet, and working on your Keto Diet Plan, we'll take a look at some of the reasons why you shouldn't go into ketosis, as well as some of the actions you can take to get there.

how to achieve ketosis?

  1. Ketosis is commonly characterized as an increase in the amount of ketones present in your blood. 
  2. Ketones are chemicals that are created in the liver as a result of the oxidation (burning) of fat, and they serve as an alternate source of energy for the brain and body.
  3. There are many reasons why you are not achieving ketosis, When it comes to the ketogenic diet, some individuals make the error of merely increasing their fat consumption while not decreasing their carbohydrate intake.
  4. Increasing your fat intake alone will not put you into ketosis, though. In addition, you must limit your carbohydrate consumption. 
  5. You will enter ketosis after you have completely eliminated glucose from your body's energy supply.

keto test

Approaches to achieving ketones

There are various approaches to achieving ketones for weight loss, By following:

  1. Low-carb diet (the ketogenic diet).
  2. Abstaining from food.
  3. Engaging in physical activity.
  4. Exogenous ketone supplements, are used in order to increase ketones in the body.

We'll concentrate on the first bullet point, which is the Keto diet. Nutritional ketosis is the term used to describe entering ketosis via carbohydrate restriction, and increased ketones are typically (but not always) an indication that you're doing Keto correctly.

What causes you to burn fat and produce ketones when you reduce your carbohydrate intake? By using the ancient knowledge contained inside the human body.

This is the problem. When carbohydrates are present, your body makes use of them. Glucose (derived from carbohydrates) is the primary fuel for your body, and particularly for your brain.

However, when carbohydrates are few, as they were often about 20,000 BC, your body switches on its backup energy mechanism, known as ketosis. This essentially implies that body fat is liberated from storage and sent to your liver for ketone synthesis.

When a significant amount of ketones are created, you are said to be in ketosis. Instead of relying on carbohydrates, your body now relies on fat and ketones for energy.

Read: Trying Keto in 2021: Is It Still Worth It?

How to Enter Ketosis: Steps to Take 

Help your body get into ketosis by observing:


You are eating an excessive amount of proteinو While the ketogenic diet is not considered a low-protein diet, 

  1. You should be mindful of the amount of protein you consume since an excessive amount might cause your body to exit ketosis. 
  2. You don't want to overdo it on the protein, but you do want to make sure you're getting enough to keep your energy levels and muscle mass up throughout the day. 
  3. Protein should be consumed at a rate of 0.8 grams per pound of lean body mass for those who aren't excessively active, according to conventional guidelines.

Nutrition Labels

You Aren't Paying Attention to Nutrition Labels, Due to the fact that the ketogenic diet is all about limiting carbohydrate consumption, reading food labels will be vital to achieving ketosis. 

Sugar can be found in almost everything, so you want to be sure you aren't unintentionally taking an excessive amount of carbohydrates by consuming anything that has hidden sugar.


  • If you are very stressed, it is possible that you may not attain ketosis. Cortisol levels in your body rise when your level of stress grows. 

  • Hormonal imbalances may be thrown off by elevated cortisol levels, which can boost your desire for sweet foods and cause you to gain weight. Neither of these foods is beneficial for achieving ketosis.

  • Despite the fact that stress is an unavoidable part of life, make an effort to do something calming every day. This will significantly lower your cortisol levels and offer you a higher chance of achieving ketosis as a result.

Enough Sleep

You Aren't Getting Enough Sleep, not getting enough sleep may also cause your cortisol levels to rise, as previously stated. 

If you are sleep-deprived, you will have a substantially lower chance of achieving ketosis despite your carbohydrate restriction. 

It's also a good idea to attempt to go to bed before 10 p.m. every night to avoid having a cortisol surge in the evening keep you up all night.

But how can you be certain that you are in ketosis without a shadow of a doubt? or how can you measure ketones?

Measure ketones

  • Ketones are measured in a variety of ways, Ketone levels can be measured using blood tests, which are the gold standard, but you don't have to go to a lab to do it. It is sufficient to use at-home equipment (we propose the Keto-Mojo meter) to obtain results that are practically instantaneous.

  • Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is a ketone body that may be detected in your blood via blood testing. You're in the nutritional ketosis zone if your BHB level is between 0.5 milligrams per liter (mmol/L) and 3.0 mmol/L BHB, according to the general rule.  

Keep in mind that if you have diabetes, particularly type 1 diabetes, maintaining blood ketones below 3 mmol/L may help you prevent a potentially life-threatening condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis. It is strongly suggested that you collaborate with an experienced healthcare expert.

  • Additionally, ketones may be detected in the urine and breath, in addition to blood tests.

  • Urine strips are not as accurate or reliable as blood tests, but they are less complicated to use. Simply urinate on the strip, and the colour of the strip changes to show your degree of ketosis.

  •  According to a study published in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism, the ideal periods to assess urine ketones are just before breakfast and just after supper.

  • Take a deep breath. Despite evidence that it correlates with BHB levels in the blood and urine, breath testing (which detects a ketone called acetone) is less well-established than the other procedures.


If you are having difficulty getting into ketosis despite the fact that you have decreased your carbohydrate consumption and are consuming a high amount of healthy fat, it may be necessary to investigate some additional issues. 

Attempt to lower your stress levels, get adequate sleep, and assess how much protein you are taking on a daily basis. With a little debugging, you'll be on your way to reaching ketosis in no time at all!


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