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Useful Healthy fats: 7 foods to eat

What are healthy fats foods to eat?

Although eating high-fat foods were traditionally shunned and thought to be a major cause of heart disease, researchers have discovered that these foods can provide some advantages. And your body needs healthy fats (thus the term "essential" fats) to lose weight and operate effectively. It had become foods to eat.

Useful Healthy fats: 7 foods to eat

Healthy Fats aid in the regulation of hunger hormones, the rise of sensations of fullness, the prevention of heart disease, the movement of nutrients through the body, and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. 

  • Not to mention that many of those vital elements, from vitamins and minerals to antioxidants that combat free radicals, are abundant in most unprocessed high-fat diets. The sort of fat you consume can influence whether you gain or lose weight. 
  • This is due to the fact that not all fats are created equal. Despite our aversion to the term "fat," we require it to survive. While bad fats like saturated fats and trans fats found in foods like chips and popcorn at the movies might add pounds, MUFAs, or monounsaturated fatty acids, do the reverse, helping you nourish your body while also losing weight.

  • On the other hand, the American Heart Association suggests limiting saturated fat consumption to less than 10% of total calories. Although some saturated fats, such as those found in dairy products, may not be as harmful as those found in red meat. (source 12 )

  • Full-fat foods may provide advantages over low-fat or fat-free competitors. They are often less processed and have lower sugar and carbohydrate content.

7 foods to eat and help reduce weight

Here are seven high-fat, high-nutritional-value foods.

Olive Oil - Avocado - Nuts - Chia Seeds - Dark Chocolate - Salmon - Coconut 

Olive oil, extra virgin

  1. Extra virgin olive oil is a nutritious food. It's abundant in oleic acid, a fatty acid with potent anti-inflammatory effects (30Trusted Source). 
  2. A diet high in olive oil can also raise levels of the hormone adiponectin, which helps break down body fat and reduce BMI. Drizzle olive oil over salads or cooked veggies for an added dose of richness, preferably while raw.
  3. These fats are an important part of the Mediterranean diet, which has been demonstrated to offer several health benefits in terms of heart health, blood sugar control, and weight management.


Avocado is a one-of-a-kind fruit. While most fruits are high in carbs, avocados are high in fat. Avocados contain roughly 80% fat per calorie, making them higher in fat than other animal meals.

Avocados are also one of the finest sources of potassium in the diet, with 5 ounces providing 15% of the Daily Value (DV) (150 grams). Furthermore, they are high in antioxidant chemicals (Source 1 and 2).

Furthermore, one research of 45 men and women discovered that eating one avocado every day for five weeks had a favorable influence on participants' cholesterol profiles.

They are also high in fiber, which has several health advantages for the digestive system, heart health, and weight control.

It's sometimes difficult to imagine that this very delicious fruit can be so excellent for you because it's so thick and creamy. It's high in oleic acid, which might keep you from feeling hungry, and it's high in beneficial monounsaturated fats.

Mash half an avocado and spread it on wholegrain bread for an additional dose of protein and fiber in the morning. It's a healthier option than traditional butter or cream cheeses, and it'll offer you enough energy and satiety to see you through till noon.


Not only are nuts associated with a lower BMI, but they are also high in vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy fats. A handful of almonds, for example, are a rich source of protein and fiber and may be used as a snack between meals to stimulate the body and prevent hunger pains.

Nuts are quite nutritious. It's high in fiber and healthful fats, and it's a good source of plant-based protein.

Nuts are also high in vitamin E and magnesium, a mineral that most people do not receive enough of.

According to studies, those who consume nuts are healthier and have a decreased chance of developing numerous ailments. Obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes are all examples of this (26Trusted Source).

Eating nuts daily has also been related to a decreased risk of heart disease, improved weight control, and weight loss prevention. Even though they are heavy in calories, a little goes a long way, so be aware of recommendations.

and consume them as directed. Almonds, cashews, walnuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, and walnuts are among the finest foods for losing weight.

Dark Chocolate

Those with a significant sweet tooth will be relieved to know that they may still consume dark chocolate while trying to lose weight.

Dark chocolate is a healthy meal that masquerades as a tasty delight. It has a high-fat content, with fat accounting for around 65 percent of the calories.

Furthermore, dark chocolate includes fiber and other important minerals, such as iron and magnesium, which some individuals may not receive enough of. 

It is also high in antioxidants including resveratrol, which provides red wine its health advantages, and epicatechin, which may have anti-aging and performance-enhancing effects. 

According to studies, black chocolate's pure cocoa butter takes longer to digest than milk chocolate. This is due to the presence of fatty acid in cocoa butter, which slows digestion and keeps you fed for longer. In comparison, the extra butterfat in milk chocolate allows it to pass through the digestive system faster.

It is critical to pick dark chocolate that includes at least 70% cocoa since other varieties contain more added sugar and fewer minerals and antioxidants than dark chocolate.

Chia seeds

Although chia seeds are not commonly considered as a "fast" snack, each ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds includes 11 grams of fat. 

Furthermore, because virtually all of the carbohydrates in chia seeds are fiber, the great majority of the calories in them are from fat.

Although seeds are modest in height, they are an important part of your nutrition. They're a terrific addition to salads, smoothies, and a great crunch for stir-fries, and they're packed with healthy monounsaturated fats, protein, and a range of minerals.

Chia seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds are at the top of the list. Chia seeds, for example, are high in :

  1. fiber, 
  2. omega-3 
  3. fats, 
  4. magnesium, 
  5. potassium, and 
  6. iron, 

making them ideal for weight reduction. It's very low in fat, with only 5 grams per two tablespoons.


Eating a fillet of Salmon twice a week is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of arrhythmias, lower triglyceride levels, and can help control blood pressure. It also combats infections that might decrease metabolism.

Salmon is also high in protein, which lowers the hunger hormone ghrelin levels while increasing the appetite-reducing hormones GLP-1, peptide YY, and cholecystokinin. This fish is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality protein, and a range of vitamins and minerals. 

According to research, eating fatty fish daily may improve cognitive performance, assist control blood sugar levels, and lower the risk of heart disease. 

If you can't (or don't want to) consume fish, a fish oil supplement may be advantageous. The finest fish liver oil is cod liver oil. It contains all of the omega-3 fatty acids you require, as well as lots of vitamin D.


While the coconut is heavy in saturated fat, it's crucial to note that the majority of it comes from lauric acid, which cleanses the body of nasty bacteria and raises beneficial cholesterol levels. 

  • Coconut oil has been shown in studies to help people lose abdominal fat. Coconut's inherent sweet and sour flavor makes it an excellent addition to a variety of meals. 

  • To speed up your metabolism, sprinkle unsweetened coconut shavings over porridge, add a teaspoon of coconut oil to your morning coffee, and switch to a smoothie with coconut milk as the foundation.

  • MCTs from coconut oil has a distinct impact on the body than other dietary fats. As a result, coconut oil is excellent for weight loss.

  • Cooking with coconut oil boosts HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the blood, lowering the risk of heart disease and obesity. HDL

  • While some individuals believe it is all about "calories in vs calories out," others believe it is about where the calories come from. This is when coconut oil enters the picture. 

When opposed to LCTs, which are more likely to contribute to weight loss rather than calorie reduction, MCTs in coconut oil boost calorie burning and metabolic rate.

Consume Coconut Oil to Lose Weight - Reduces hunger and promotes fat burning, which appears to be quite helpful in the reduction of belly fat.

MCTs increase feelings of fullness and decrease appetite. Reduces overeating, which contributes to reducing the fundamental belly fat.

Natural supplements(like Biotox Gold and Meticore), in addition to healthy fats, can be an effective means of losing weight and efficiently reducing belly fat in certain people.


How To Eat MORE Healthy Fats (The Best Keto Fats)


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